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Comment count is 5
SolRo - 2019-01-02

This is fine.

duck&cover - 2019-01-03

Get some amputees to put on robot suits. Get a "Silent Running" vibe going.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-01-03

https://soranews24.com/2018/11/29/cafe-opens-in-tokyo-staffed-by-r obots-controlled-by-paralyzed-people/

So, definitely not submitted for evil. This is a lovely idea. But this video is kinda odd, and that guy srsly looks he is trying to dress like an anime character.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-01-03

Standing three times the height of a man, these towering war machines bare powerful weapons and are as lethal at range as in close assault. A chapter's Dreadnoughts are treasured relics, only awoken in great need. Encased inside every Dreadnought, lies a mighty Space Marine hero, who has suffered grievous wounds in battle, saved only by his interment.

This box set contains one multi-part plastic Dreadnought and includes enough parts to make: an assault cannon, a twin-linked lascannon, a powerfist and a missile launcher - allowing you to customise your Dreadnoughts armament. Model is supplied with a 60mm scenic base.

GravidWithHate - 2019-01-03

"Even in death I still serve."

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