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Comment count is 9
That guy - 2019-01-11

Fuuck awwwff with that.

simon666 - 2019-01-12

I hereby second the motion to fuuck awwwff with that. Do we have a third?

Slumgullion - 2019-01-11

Artisan mayo and corn pizza in a trash fired oven. Yum.

I love how he just tosses a fence post in there.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-01-12

I don’t know if that’s Cheez Whiz or mayonnaise.

Chicken the Did - 2019-01-12

It could be queso blanco. That would make it a teeny bit more sane than a pint of Kewpie style Japanese Mayo.

Maggot Brain - 2019-01-12

Brazilian pizza is generally sauce-less and horrible. It's just cheese melted on flatbread!

exy - 2019-01-12

I usually say "at least bad pizza is still pizza," but this... this looks bad.

glasseye - 2019-01-13


Crab Mentality - 2019-01-24

Crazy undercooked. The whole video is four minutes!

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