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Comment count is 6
The Mothership - 2019-02-18

Video's not working, but I am sure it is funny to people who have never heard a British accent before.

jfcaron_ca - 2019-02-18

It's an embedded video on a news page, you'll have to go to the news page itself to play it.

fedex - 2019-02-18

cute, but god its a boring show

atheistgirl - 2019-02-18

Why are they laughing so much at "petrol station", "taking the lift" and "going on holiday"?

Gmork - 2019-02-19

the same reason people laugh at being called a wanker and other insults that equate to being tickled with an ostrich feather: british slang is impossible to take seriously

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-02-18

Her mouth is a circle.

Does that make it a bacon hole?

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