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Comment count is 5
garcet71283 - 2019-02-18

I really wish they would stop trying to shoehorn the Dark Phoenix plotline into the X-Men movies.

The X-Men movies have always worked best the more grounded they are (X-Men 1&2, First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan) and this plotline always seems lackluster without the cosmic elements.

Here’s to hoping for the third, inevitable, try that happens once the X-Men show up in the MCU

Nominal - 2019-02-19

Amen. I still can't believe it took them FIVE movies to get to the sentinels, the goddamn CORE to the conflict and central theme of the entire franchise. They decided that the dark phoenix and even the frigging Hellfire Club were higher priorities to be done first. And surprise, the sentinel movie turned out to be one of the best. (fuck did they screw up Apocalypse though)

The Infinity Gauntlet series had way more cosmic shit, and even then Disney knew well enough to cut out most of it and keep it grounded.

Even if they did ground it, the whole phoenix thing would fail because it centers around Cyclops, and no one likes Cyclops.

Two Jar Slave - 2019-02-19

Needs the always-popular 'helmed by a known pedophile' tag.

casualcollapse - 2019-07-19

Didn't know that was a tag, good to know

IrishWhiskey - 2019-02-19

This is a great culmination for the characters arcs that Scott and Jean have been going through.

...is something I would be saying if they'd had more than 40 seconds of character moments combined in the prior X-Men movies. Aside from their first meeting, I can't recall anything they did together. I hope it's good, but I'm not in the slightest invested in this now dead iteration of the franchise.

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