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Comment count is 7
Old_Zircon - 2019-02-24

The level starting at 6:55.

Old_Zircon - 2019-02-24

Seriously though, on the surface they seem totally different but actually playing them this really does feel a lot like the first Hotline Miami.

Old_Zircon - 2019-02-24

This + GTA: London + Drive = Hotline Miami.

Scrimmjob - 2019-02-24

This game is pretty damn fun, never seen it in the wild, only on emulator.

Old_Zircon - 2019-02-24

I only saw it that one time, and it was already pretty old by then. I don't remember what the place was, I stopped there for a pub food lunch and piss break in maybe 99 or 2000, played a dollar worth of Outfoxies, and left. Outfoxies REALLY stuck with me, it's the only thing I remember about the day at all TBH.

Nominal - 2019-02-25

This is more Smash Brothers duel.

Old_Zircon - 2019-02-25

That's a good point. There's something about the feel of the controls in this that always makes me think of Hotline Miami (and vice versa) but it really is a lot more similar to those.

Certainly the cosmetics and gameplay mechanics don't have much in common with HM, it's just the general feel of it the one time I played in the arcade and when I've played it emulated since then.

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