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Comment count is 7
duck&cover - 2019-03-17

From the "Use our product or suffer grave bodily harm" school of advertising.

casualcollapse - 2019-03-17

And of course it's Jim Henson.. your statement made it click that had to be him.

snothouse - 2019-03-18

Boy did that Faygo one make me laugh.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-03-18

And now we know why Rowlf the dog is such a harbinger of sorrow.

exy - 2019-03-18

Boy, was Kermit ever a jerk when he was comin' up.

Scattersane - 2019-03-19

This actually does kind of make me want some coffee.

jangbones - 2019-03-24

"do you drink Wilkins Coffee?" (commits genocide)

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