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Comment count is 6
Old_Zircon - 2019-04-30

It's hard to tell from this but Good Times was basically video arcade/bowling alley/bar/laser tag arena/Chuck E. Cheese for adults with beer, that was almost as big as an Ikea and shutdown ten years ago after a bunch of mishaps including at least one murder. It was a great place.

Old_Zircon - 2019-04-30

Further reading:

https://somervillenews.typepad.com/the_somerville_news/2007/04 /man_murdered_af.html

https://somervillenews.typepad.com/the_somerville_news/2007/05 /good_time_murde.html

"Great place" is subjective, of course. The place was one giant PoE exhibit and legitimately dangerous but also legitimately awesome.

spikestoyiu - 2019-05-01

So... he wasn't actually murdered at Good Time?

Old_Zircon - 2019-05-02

He got in a fight there that escalated to murder someplace else, as far as I can tell.

Nominal - 2019-05-01

Fucking Somerville, the Portland/Williamsburg of New England.

Old_Zircon - 2019-05-01

I'd say Providence is the Portlnd of New England, the entire Boston area is the Seattle of New England, and Williamsburg is the Williamsburg of New Englsnd, because New York City likes to pretend it's not part of New England but it's deluding itself.

Somerville has gotten gentrified bad over the last decade but on the whole I'd call the collective Somerville, Chelsea, Lynn and Revere the East Jersey of New England.

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