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Comment count is 4
Boomer The Dog - 2019-06-14

That reminds me of a Martha Speaks episode where she was on the radio and promoted grass shakes, and people in the town were enjoying them, not realizing it was a Dog telling them that.

Killer Joe - 2019-06-14

Don't wring out the grain bag, you chumps.
Probably better used as an adjunct, at least with some barely or something.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-06-14

I have never heard of crabgrass beer but it's nice to know it's just as horrible as it sounds.

Dandelion wine is delicious and summery.

Old_Zircon - 2019-06-16

I had a roommate who used to make dandelion wine and it took 10-14 her months to properly ferment a batch, I don't know where this guy's getting his "a few weeks" from.

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