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Comment count is 3
Hailey2006 - 2019-07-25

Read the comments on YouTube, they’re pretty nuts

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-07-25

As I mentioned in the Streamdumpster forum, I'm changing the format of Wednesday Night docs to one SCHEDULED documentary a week, but here's another change that I just stumbled onto. I'm also going to submit the link to POE, and post the link in streamdumpster. (If there is, in fact, a link to submit)

I think Wednesday docs are a great idea, but they don't need to serve the same social function as other programs, especially MNR. The Wednesday docs should be about spreading knowledge, perspectives, and ideas, so lets open this up to those who can't be free on Wednesday evening.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-07-26

Anybody else remember Sambo?

It was a children's story. When I was kid in the early sixties, "Little Black Sambo" was being rehabilitated into "Little Brave Sambo", but it was too little, too late, and this documentary makes it pretty clear why that was necessary, but it's a shame, really. There was a time when Sambo may have been as familiar to me as Snow White or Cinderella. I don't remember the whole thing, but from what I remember, it was a terrific story.

Sambo was a brave, clever lad who wore a suit of the finest clothes, clothes of many colors. The description of Sambo's clothes were repeated several times. It was the ritual part of the story, like "Grandma, what big eyes you have!" I believe he carried a green umbrella, and his shoes were purple. I can't remember the rest of the outfit.

Sambo was walking home in his fine clothes one day, when he encountered a group of tigers, who wanted to eat him. The story is about how he tricks them. What I remember is the end, which is just about the best story EVER! Sambo somehow tricks the tigers into chasing each other around a tree, faster and faster, so fast that the tigers actually turn into butter. And then the story ends, with Sambo's mom using the tiger butter to make pancakes. How great is that?

I'm afraid of what I'll actually find, but I suppose I should just bite the bullet and Google it sometime. "SAMBO" became a degrading racial epithet for reasons that I want to believe have more to do with the diminutive title "Little Black Sambo" than the brave clever elegant boy I* rember from the story.

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