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Comment count is 5
Anaxagoras - 2019-10-15

The song was awful, but Trump's arrhythmic flailing was delightful. Stars!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-10-15

I was surprised you didn't like the song, but I might feel the same way about the song if it wasn't on the Specials' self titled debut album, which played through most of my 20s. I think I know the whole album by heart, but I couldn't name another ska album by The Specials or any other skabband if you waterboarded me. This is the first cut on the album, maybe the only cover, and everything else om the album is faster and harder.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-10-15

Here's the second song on the album, quite possibly my favorite.


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-10-15

There's an anecdote in a recent book about Trump that puts Guliani's relationship with Trump in an interesting light. I have the book in audio, think I'll try to make a video and submit. I feel sorry for these guys sometimes, because, you know, I'm a bleeding heart liberal, and I feel sorry for criminals.

The footage of Trump dancing is from a green-screen video I downloaded from YouTube. I used it once before, with Trump dancing to "Sympathy for The Devil". No one seemed to like that video, I think it was too on-the-nose. I submitted it here, but it died in the hopper.

I made the kaliedoscope effect by

*creating abstract images on my phone with an android app called TRIPPING FEST
*giving the images color and text with a deep filter program called PAINNT, and that's not a typo.
*Uploading the images to my computer with KDECONNECT
*Arranging the images in a slideshow with the Linux Program ffDiaporama
*using KDENLIVE, a video editor, to mirror the slideshows against each other. That's where it gets complicated.

Hazelnut - 2019-10-19


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