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Comment count is 5
The Mothership - 2019-11-08

I'll be damned. Makes me want to learn code.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-11-08


Gmork - 2019-11-08

It just checks if any enemies are within your field of view, i always thought the mechanics were pretty stupid and nonsensical.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-11-09

Yeah it is nonsensical. The rays are relative to the trajectory of the ball.. so the enemies may not be in your field of view when the ball hits (eg they could be behind you)

I reckon tho, that 'ray' code is also used for the pistol, shotgun & chaingun.. so nice code re-use!

hammsangwich - 2019-11-12

John Carmack works for Facebook now.

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