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Comment count is 10
Cena_mark - 2020-01-22

At least we still have John Cleese, Michael Palin, and Monty Python.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-01-22





casualcollapse - 2020-01-24


boner - 2020-01-23

They knew he had dementia when they did their last live show, but didn’t announce it until later. I think it’s nice that he got to be included. Even though if you pay attention to that show, he was barely in it, always seated and reading from cue cards.

crasspm - 2020-01-23

if only monty python was actually funny...

betabox - 2020-01-23

Gee thanks for your insight.

That guy - 2020-01-24

This just in: Dumb guy thinks they're stupid.

crasspm - 2020-01-24

it's sad when anyone dies, particularly a skilled and accomplished person like terry jones. this doesn't change the fact that well over half of monty python material was trite and, well, boring.

That guy - 2020-01-25

"trite and, well, boring"

Define trite. Tell me some other artists who were trite under your, like, definition.

Cena_mark - 2020-01-24

That was something completely different

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