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Comment count is 4
Anaxagoras - 2020-03-06

It's amazing how "speaking in tongues" often takes the form of Spanish-sounding gibberish. Think of it! There's an entire wealth of phenomes out there, but the holy ghost always chooses phenomes that are familiar to the host. Who woulda thunk?

gmol - 2020-03-06

I'm waiting for some brilliant creative soul to bust out some manyalam in one of these sessions instead of the same old vague sorcerer speak you hear all the time.

Cena_mark - 2020-03-06

People created languages for Elves in Lord of the Rings, Klingon, and Navi. You'd figure if tongues were real the language could have been figured out by this point

Born in the RSR - 2020-03-07

It does sound like someone mocking a foreign language rather a than speaking it

It's the "ching chong, ding dong" of Aramaic.

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