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Comment count is 72
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-19

I wonder how many people know Noam Chomsky from his contribution to the field of Linguistics. I took two semesters of Linguistics at Binghamton from 1987 to 1988, and it was ALL about Chomsky, and none of it was about politics.


Hazelnut - 2020-04-19

For ages I didn’t realise linguistics Chomsky and politics Chomsky were the same person! That’s crazy huge, it’s like if Al Gore really had invented the Internet.

Maggot Brain - 2020-04-19

to over simplify; If you were a baby alone in the world you'd probably come up with your own language, but since that's rare everyone is just copying each other.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-19

Chomsky's work is also really big in computer science, which I always found a funny coincidence: he described his hierarchy of grammars in the 50's just in time for it to make a BIG impact in programming language design. A great man.

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

I have little sympathy for Bernie people surprised and hurt by Big Names saying you should vote for Biden as harm reduction. This is what always happens and was obviously going to happen from the get go. And the harm reduction case is only countered by speculation about the future years down the line.

Sure, vote harm reduction in swing states. Your individual vote doesn't matter much.

The points I would like to make (again) are descriptive rather than normative:
A) Biden is a terrible candidate who is likely to lose to Trump and
B) Biden will be a bad president who will not make health care not a luxury good, will not improve the gini coefficient, will not meaningfully reduce carbon emissions, will not reduce the wage-productivity gap, etc. Those will get worse. The democrats will further lose credibility as any sort of alternative, and the populist nativist right will further harness the undirected anger of the proles. Like, let's go into this clear-eyed at least.

So... buy a gun and bolt cutters? organize a general strike? IDK I'm pretty drunk.

I adopted this stray cat and he showed me several dead voles today when we walked around. He's really going on a murder spree now that I've started letting him out; it's pretty impressive! Also he sat on my lap in a hammock and napped while I read a book and it was nice.

All hail Vladimir Putin!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-19

TL/DR He's pretty drunk.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-19

>>>I have little sympathy for Bernie people surprised and hurt by Big Names saying you should vote for Biden as harm reduction.

So is the first electiion where you've seen "big names saying you should vote " for a particular candidate?

I think what's bugging you is not how people were told to vote. it's how they voted. And your problem now is how to be prio-Democracy, and against people voting. So you talk about candidartes who weren't going to win dropping out of the race a little earlier, a move that benefitted them politically, because that's politics. You act like that's some kind of sabatoge. None of that is the essential fact.

The essential fact is that the primary voters voted for Biden. And you just keep talking around that.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-19

The Republican echo chamber is sounding weaker and more self-pitying every day.

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

>> So is the first electiion where you've seen "big names saying you should vote " for a particular candidate?

I'm not clear what you mean. I'm saying I'm not surprised that Bernie endorsed Biden or that Chomsky says you should vote democrat as harm reduction. Harm reduction is a good argument. If I thought my state was in play I'd vote for Biden.

>>And your problem now is how to be prio-Democracy, and against people voting.

That doesn't really affect the points I'm making.

People also voted for Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, and HR Clinton in the primaries.

People also elected Obama, who promised transformational change after we finally got rid of The Worst President Ever. He didn't deliver, things got worse for average people, and then Trump was elected. Biden would be like that, but with less charisma.

Do you have anything other than tribalism and invective to contribute? Do you wanna take another break, bud?

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

Also the cat is a nice boy and I'm offended you didn't mention him in your replies.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-19

Yeah, I may have misunderstood, never mind.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-19

Do I have anything other than opposing Trump to offer? Sure! And I look forward to offering it after Trump is defeated.

In the meantime your Republican cosplaying as an oh-so-concerned Bernie Bro is weak and boring, and I’m comfortable pointing that out. I’m sure you’ll put it aside after the election too.

SolRo - 2020-04-19

Thanks for contributing to the decimation of small wildlife to gratify your loneliness ashtar.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/01/29/cats-wil d-birds-mammals-study/1873871/

and now it has been mention in replies.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-19

I should add, Ashtar hasn’t contributed a damn thing to the site, just tired spam. Up above we’re talking about linguistics, a much more interesting subject.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-19

I'm teaching myself to pick locks. I already know how to weld too.

Hazelnut - 2020-04-19

That’s the most interesting thing you’ve posted to date! Good on you. I’m learning the guitar.

Gmork - 2020-04-19

Ashtar and other dips keep doing this thing.


The fact is, the most horrible version of a biden presidency is going to be a day at the fucking beach compared to the best day of a trump presidency.

Any chance you'll actually address this niggling little detail ashtar, or are you just going to stick to the alt reich playbook and Never Play Defensive?

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

>>The fact is, the most horrible version of a biden presidency is going to be a day at the fucking beach compared to the best day of a trump presidency.

Any chance you'll actually address this niggling little detail ashtar, or are you just going to stick to the alt reich playbook and Never Play Defensive?

I pretty clearly addressed it above? I'm kind of tired of repeating myself, but sure, vote harm reduction if you're in a swing state. I'm sure the deportation detention camps will be much nicer places under Biden. He might preserve abortion access and he won't gut environmental regulations. Great.

What then? What does Biden actually want to do to deliver material improvements in people's lives and keep right wing populism in check? Means tested tax credits and progressive culture war rhetoric while continuing to redistribute wealth upwards? Do you really think running against something while offering zero positive vision is either a viable campaign strategy (HRC made the election a referendum on Trump and lost) or a governance strategy?

I hope calling me a nazi or a republican or whatever makes you feel better because you can't emotionally deal with criticism, but it's not going to change the fact that repeating the same dipshittery that has failed consistently and resulted with the nation on the verge of fascism, but this time without a likable or even mentally competent figurehead is a dumb fucking idea. If your entire moral and political worldview is nothing more than THE OTHER SIDE IS BAD, you're dumber and more vicious than most of the Trump supporters I know.

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

Like, someone stabbing you is better than someone stabbing you while yelling racial slurs. But responding to someone pointing out that stabbing is still bad and maybe we should have a plan to stop the stabbing with "WELL I GUESS YOU LOVE RACIAL SLURS YOU RACIST" is kind of unhelpful.

SolRo - 2020-04-19

“Trump is only very slightly worse than Biden”


ashtar. - 2020-04-19

>>I should add, Ashtar hasn’t contributed a damn thing to the site, just tired spam. Up above we’re talking about linguistics, a much more interesting subject.

I contributed http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=91495

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

If you want to make the case that Biden would be a great president, make it. Many of his major policy achievements as a senator have been things that made the country considerably worse.

The fact that the only reason to elect him I have ever heard from anyone is that he's not the other guy seems like maybe a major weakness in someone running to be president? Like maybe that won't convince anyone who hasn't already decided to vote against the other guy?

SolRo - 2020-04-19

Your choice is between Biden or Trump now. There is no other choice anymore.

Get that through your stupid skull.

You’re indirectly, and increasingly directly, advocating for Trump.

ashtar. - 2020-04-19

"I stand for nothing except my team good other team bad. I have no principles. I am unable to even tolerate the notion that my team might not be 100% good. I will flip out, call names, and make up conspiracy bullshit to explain away any disagreement."

-Trump supporters and all of you assholes, apparently

SolRo - 2020-04-19

Point out to me where we’ve been saying Biden is 100 perfect you blind troglodyte.

Scrimmjob - 2020-04-19

ashtar has contributed lots of cool stuff to this site. Don't really care about any of this political shit, just read these comments to get a laugh in at you fucking retards.

Also Noam Chomsky is pretty neat.

Old_Zircon - 2020-04-19

The funny thing about this argument is people thinking we're going to have elections anymore.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-19

During every presidential election Noam comes out and says leftists have to vote for the neoliberal candidate. Back in 2012 Noam said we had to vote for Obama because Romney would start a nuclear war. This is nothing new. Ancient, rich white dude is gonna have ancient, rich white dude politics sometimes.

SolRo - 2020-04-19

Literally a choice between some form of leftist (maybe even a centrist) versus a right-wing fundamental-religious oligarch.

What's so hard for you to grasp about this EASY choice?

I get it that a neoliberal for you isn't a good choice, but you don't get to write in Che Guevara during the presidential election as if it DOES anything.

No one will care.

No one in power will actually see that you wrote in Che.

At best, BEST, maybe some old conservative poll worker will think you're an idiot for half a second and move on to reading the other ballots.

teethsalad - 2020-04-19

what solro said

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-19

>>>Back in 2012 Noam said we had to vote for Obama because Romney would start a nuclear war. This is nothing new. Ancient, rich white dude is gonna have ancient, rich white dude politics sometimes.

In 2012, Barack Obama was a 51 year old black dude. Are you smelling what you're shoveling right now? Because I'm smelling it from here.

Bort - 2020-04-19

The easiest way for mediocre people to feel like they are better than all those "sheeple" out there is to take a contrarian stance, the less connected to actual human experience the better.

Dear mediocre people: we aren't fooled. Try working on yourselves for once, rather than taking the lazy stupid way out. Actually be worthy of self-esteem for once.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-20

Just for the record; the hyperbole makes it real easy to dismiss your point. Trump isn't nearly as bad as Bush was.

You're asking me to vote for somebody that politically is equivalent to Trump in every way that is going to personally effect my life, while also telling me that the sky is falling because Trump is the president. It's nuts. It makes you all sound completely batshit.

Bort - 2020-04-20

"is equivalent to Trump in every way that is going to personally effect my life"

If that's all that interests you, then you are a garbage person.

And no, that's not hyperbole. You are thinking exactly like every Republican asshole, and a good number of ordinary Germans during the 30s.

And for fuck's sake, the word is "affect". If you're going to be a garbage person, at least don't be an illiterate one.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-20

You are crying wolf.

SolRo - 2020-04-20

You’ve definitively proven you’re a complete fucking moron completely unaware of reality.

Trump is much worse than bush

Trump is much worse than Biden

You’re a sheltered rich white snowflake if you think otherwise.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-20

About a million dead Iraqis and Afghans would probably disagree with that Sol, but I guess their opinion of Bush shouldn't matter since we've decided that the racist gameshow host being rude is a much bigger offense.

Biden is a a parallel move from Trump, at best. Has he even promised to be more humane to immigrants? His former boss wasn't. What do we get out of a Biden administration besides significantly worse trade policy compared to Trump?

SolRo - 2020-04-20

And the republican shill just outed itself.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-20

wait, I thought I was a Russian

teethsalad - 2020-04-21

"You're asking me to vote for somebody that politically is equivalent to Trump in every way that is going to personally effect my life, while also telling me that the sky is falling because Trump is the president. It's nuts. It makes you all sound completely batshit."

democracy is not a menu. you're not going to get exactly what you want all the time. the universe does not cater to you and your needs alone. grow the fuck up

Crackersmack - 2020-04-21

Neoliberal austerity is actually more harmful to my family and I than whatever dumb shit Trump is doing right now. Eat a turd.

teethsalad - 2020-04-21

your pearl-clutching amuses me to no end

fuck you and fuck your family if you're willing to throw everyone else under the bus to save them and only them. seriously

Crackersmack - 2020-04-21

you can be a martyr if you want, I won't though, good luck with this strategy

teethsalad - 2020-04-21

you're the martyr claiming the neoliberals are about to tack your precious family to the cross, dipshit

what kind of walter mitty red dawn daydreams have you been huffing the past few years? fuck's sake

Crackersmack - 2020-04-21

hey you go ahead and vote for the guy that has spent decades trying to cut away at the already threadbare safety net, and if it makes you feel better you can imagine I'm a Republican, a Russian agent, an apocalypse fetishist, or w/e

SolRo - 2020-04-22

All you are is a self-absorbed white racist, only concerned about his own wellbeing, who will take a steaming shit on anyone you think a lesser if it will get your family a 5% increase in wealth.

You're just as bad as your neoliberal boogiemen, the only difference is the techniques you want used.

You're a stupid, shitty human being, and I hope many terrible things happen to you because of your greed.

teethsalad - 2020-04-23

i mean, you're pretty clearly shit-stirring out of boredom or entirely disingenuous in your arguments

either way, i'd prefer you take a long drive to the bottom of a deep lake

Old_Zircon - 2020-04-19

Biden is kind of awful but he's also the farthest left candidate to ever be nominated in US history, sad to say.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-20

Joe Biden is the architect of our mass incarceration system, and somebody that has been jokingly referred to as "the senator from Citibank" for decades for his tireless representation of the interests of credit cards companies.

SolRo - 2020-04-20

Trump is a literal corrupt fascist.

Trump is much worse than Biden

Trump is filling the government with leaders far worse than Biden

You do not know what is going on.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-20

You are Chicken Little, crying that the sky is falling. You don't know what fascism is. Trump being worse than Biden is only a matter of perspective. Both are totally abhorrent.

SolRo - 2020-04-20

You’re a sheltered idiot.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-20


Robert Paxton, a professor emeritus of social science at Columbia University in New York who is widely considered the father of fascism studies, defined fascism as "a form of political practice distinctive to the 20th century that arouses popular enthusiasm by sophisticated propaganda techniques for an anti-liberal, anti-socialist, violently exclusionary, expansionist nationalist agenda."

The one word that may not fit here is "expansionist".

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-20

>>>Trump being worse than Biden is only a matter of perspective.

When viewed from outer spacem, they're about the same.

SolRo - 2020-04-20

To be fair, from a neo Nazi perspective, trump is a much better president than Biden

Crackersmack - 2020-04-21

If you really think this is approaching fascism, then you should be incensed that the Democrats have bungled the primary and the nomination the way that they have. You should join Berners in calling for mea culpas, resignations, and reform. If your sincere.

But this isn't fascism, it's regular old (racist, destructive, regressive) mainstream Republican bullshit. And you all are shitting your pants over it and acting like there's no choice but to vote for the guy whose singular career goal has been cutting Social Security.

Here's a fun challenge: name me one piece of legislation passed in the last 50 years that caused more unnecessary human suffering than the racist 1994 crime bill, *written* by Joe Biden?

Crackersmack - 2020-04-21


Hazelnut - 2020-04-21

All genuine Berners are calling for Biden to win the election. Starting with Bernie.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-21

If you weally think this is appwoaching fascism, then you should be incensed that the Democwats have bungled the pwimawy and the nomination the way that they have. You should join Bewnews in calling fow mea culpas, wesignations, and wefowm. If you'we sincewe.

But this isn't fascism, it's wegulaw old (wacist, destwuctive, wegwessive) mainstweam wepublican bullshit. And you all awe shitting youw pants ovew it and acting like thewe's no choice but to vote fow the guy whose singulaw caweew goal has been cutting Social Secuwity.

Hewe's a fun challenge: name me one piece of wegiswation passed in the last 50 yeaws that caused mowe unnecessawy human suffewing than the wacist 1994 cwime bill, *witten* by Joe Biden?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-21

Crackersmack is pretty correct about what happened in the 90s. He is spectacularly uninformed about what's going on right now.

Crackersmack - 2020-04-21

if "all genuine Berners" are voting for the brain-dead rapist (not that one, the other one) then why are you people so shook up about those of us that are abstaining?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-21

Because the thought of Trump being re-elected is something that I literally fear more than my own death.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-21

(Though it's getting easier to ignore you with each fresh troll)

SolRo - 2020-04-22

I don't understand how you bernbitches think 'the democrats' made Bernie lose the primary.

Bernie lost.

You aren't as popular as your mother tells you are.

Life sucks like that sometimes.

Grow the fuck up.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-22

>>>racist gameshow host being rude is a much bigger offense.

You can't possibly be this stupid. Troll.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-22

>>>If your entire moral and political worldview is nothing more than THE OTHER SIDE IS BAD, you're dumber and more vicious than most of the Trump supporters I know.

Obviously, this is nobody's entire moral and political worldview.

>>Just for the record; the hyperbole makes it real easy to dismiss your point. Trump isn't nearly as bad as Bush was.

The fact that you're dumber than a box of dirt makes it easy to dismiss your point.

>>>you can be a martyr if you want, I won't though, good luck with this strategy


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-22

>>>"I stand for nothing except my team good other team bad. I have no principles.

This is not all about me. And so, it's not all about my principles. The reason why I didn't get everything I want is because no one gets everything they want. Other people live here. Some of them happen to be wrong. I didn't choose Biden, but I'm going to embrace him as enthusiastically as I would Warren or Sanders.

>>>I am unable to even tolerate the notion that my team might not be 100% good.

(sigh) Okay, I will admit it. My team is not 100 per cent good. Congratulations, you got me to admit the obvious. Now, fuck you, and fuck the strawman you rode in on.

>>>I will flip out, call names, and make up conspiracy bullshit to explain away any disagreement."

The fact that you're dumber than a box than of dirt covers the need for explanations.

ashtar. - 2020-04-22

>>(Though it's getting easier to ignore you with each fresh troll)

lol apparently not

ashtar. - 2020-04-22

I still like you, JHM, you weird goober.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-22

I like you too, ashtar, and I consider you to be SMARTER than a box of dirt.

Yeah, "ignore" seems to be a poor choice of words. Maybe "disregard"? I was definitely more triggered by this discussion a week ago, but, like everyone, I've got a lot of time on my hands, and telling crackersmack how stupid he is never gets old.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-22

Crackersmack: Dumber than a box of dirt.

John Holmes Motherfucker: Smarter than dirt, but not at exactly a genius at using the "Reply" button.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-04-22

It's easy to be triggered by the more recalcitrant Bernie Bronies, since they not only seem to have learned nothing from 2016, they seem to think that 2016 had nothing to teach them.

In my opinion, the antiClinton vitriol among the left didn't generate Trump voters so much as suppress Clinton voters. Hillary was seen as inevitable, and not well loved. Trump as president seemed unimaginable. As unpopular as Trump was in the polls, his voters turned out.

But I think enough people have learned from 2016, and I don't think Trump's going to be reelected. This is my opinion, not a prognostication. I don't really know. I don't claim to really know, and people who claim to really know are trolling you.

But turnout favors Democrats, and for a sign of possible turnout, look to Wisconsin. Or to 2018. Trump's approval rating is generally low, went up for a moment, but that ended quickly, and Trump's DISapproval rating has ALWAYS been over 50 per cent. Disapproval is what should get people out to vote.

When Biden becomes president, I'll be as critical of him as anyone. Well, probably not as critical as the angry MAGAGAs.

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