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Comment count is 20
SolRo - 2020-05-31

forward; fuck you hazel, I'm not defending cops.

This is a result of poor training and discipline. Human beings are not able to comprehend the physical forces a car can exert on a human body unless they've personally experienced it.

I have experience with this, I very nearly seriously hurt a person with a car thinking I could slowly deflect a soft object between a person and the car.

Our universal training is that cars, 4,000 lb+ objects, with more power than hundreds of horses, can be easily controlled by us. Leading to people thinking they can be used "gently" against squishy living things.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

Preeeetty sure the cops had the option to NOT drive into a crowd of people. Pretty sure cars come with a parking brake.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

pretty sure I said this this a result of poor training and discipline, which includes not using a car to push delicate biological beings.

also pretty sure I said fuck you.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

I’m just thinking, if I lacked training on driving a car into a packed crowd, maybe I would hold off on doing so until I got that training. I’m sure they were trained how to put their car in park because we all learn that in Driver’s Ed.

But listen: if you say you’re not defending the cops here, good! Glad you’re coming around! I’m sure we agree they have a hellishly hard job right now and deserve better training and pay.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

It's not a lack of training. It's the wrong training.

The training of us daily-driving machines beyond our basic biological comprehension.

You don't physically understand the forces exerted by a 5000 lb machine with hundreds of horsepower. You just do not.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

My point, Karen, is if you don’t know the effect of plowing through a crowd with a 5000 lb machine, maybe don’t do exactly that.

Remember in 2017 when a Neo-Nazi plowed his car through the Charlottesville counter-protestors? He wasn’t trained either. He still got two life sentences.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

Tucker, it's really cute how you excuse every republican racist as uneducated and redeemable but then decide that every cop is a black person murder machine from birth to death.

You know nothing.

The only things you know are from things you read online.

You have no idea how the world works.

You have no idea how people function.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

It’s almost cute how whenever you paint yourself in a corner you lash out with all these crazy assumptions. I’m actually very pro-cop. Most of them are good people working an incredibly hard underpaid under-appreciated job.

It’s true I am against plowing a car through a crowd of protestors, but I haven’t passed any judgment on the driver. I’m waiting to learn all the facts, unlike you with your knee-jerk Karen excuses for police violence.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

Nice blatant lying tucker. You should apply for a fox news commentator position if you get laid off (assuming you actually work and aren't a spoiled white trustafarian)

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

Here we see Karen pass from the merely snide to the outright nonsensical.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

Another skill-less deflection from Bitch McConnell.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

And what exactly am I deflecting? I’m afraid you always dodge in the same pattern: when you can’t squirm out of your own words you put weird shit in people’s mouths (“decide that every cop id a murder machine”), and when that fails you call back to cringey name-calling.

It is VERY obvious that I’m no Mitch McConnell. It is nearly as obvious that all week you’ve been a textbook Karen.

Here, let me give you some power tips to help you going forward. Learn how to listen. Learn how to question yourself. Learn to employ reason. Learn to concede when it makes sense and even, crazy as it sounds, to apologise.

Those tools will help you way more than your current boring routine.

SolRo - 2020-05-31

Another skill-less deflection from Bitch McConnell.

Diligence - 2020-06-01


Hazelnut - 2020-06-01

For background, the New York Times has a really good article on the NYPD's approach: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/opinion/george-floyd-new-york-p rotests.html

It's a lot more than insufficient training

Gmork - 2020-06-01

*prefaces comment with "BUT IM NOT DEFENDING COPS"

*goes on to defend cops*

Crackersmack - 2020-06-01

Wait, cops are a lot of things (mostly bad) but are *definitely* not underpaid. Every one of the NYPD thugs in this video pulls six figures.

fedex - 2020-06-02

:::: Grabs Popcorn :::::

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-31

I saw a BPD car do this back in 2010 except there was no protest, it was just rush hour and he didn't want to wait for the light so he just accelerated into a packed crosswalk at a major intersection with about 70 people in it, at about 20 mph. Nobody got hit but it was pretty close. I was about 10 feet away but there were a lot of people who had to run to avoid him.

And that was jsut random, upper middle class yuppies.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-31

Berkeley Police Department, Brown Paine & Downland, or Bipolar Personality Disorder?

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