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Comment count is 6
Mister Yuck - 2020-06-16

That's pretty cool.

jfcaron_ca - 2020-06-16

I don't like these post-facto colorized films or upscaled high-framerate/high-definition old films and photos. The end.

Nominal - 2020-06-16

I love em. It puts history on a relatable level, rather than some alternate reality past. Dismissal and romanticizing have always been the two biggest enemies to learning from history.

It's the reason I've always held the opinion that Spielberg can suck a dick for making Schindler's List into a stylized B&W affair.

Mister Yuck - 2020-06-16

I agree with Nominal. Dicks.

jfcaron_ca - 2020-06-17

I don't like modern black and white productions for the same reason.

betabox - 2020-06-17

I'm saddened that kids these days can't relate to anything that's not in color and HD.

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