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Comment count is 4
Cena_mark - 2020-07-02

I like how his computer just has a guitar effects processor glued to it.

Boomer The Dog - 2020-07-02

Must watch Toby Barks. Every time I hear his name I'll be reminded of the Toby Terrier interactive toy Dog videos. Toby is a pretty photogenic face, but I hope the real feature has better quality lip sync, it looks like he's talking out of the side of his mouth all the time.

I didn't know about this one being out, I'm kind of slacking in the video and music/bands I follow due to world events. Still, I must woof this is really a good time for Dog movies, notables being Lady And The Tramp live action remake, and Call Of The Wild, along with other titles that the new on-demand media companies are grabbing up just to have as much product in their stores as they can.

Lionsgate, figures. If you really want to get a load of schlock, check out movies by Schlockmaster BC Furtney. His stuff can be punishing to watch, but you might like them if you take it with humor and that he's got to be trolling the audience.

I think I can report that herb smokers would like BC Furtney movies, and in fact, people are waiting for his Spaced Cats to come out.


TeenerTot - 2020-07-03

Is there a "phoning it in" tag?

Robin Kestrel - 2020-07-04

I tried to suspend my disbelief but could not.

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