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Comment count is 4
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2020-08-22

I like Cer Spence, hes got funny bones imo.
I found this confusing, I thought he was satirising a US "conservative" type, but also he makes a bunch of points about being jewish.. and I was uhhh, is cer spence being anti-semetic??

New theory, he is satirising *one particular* US conservative guy, who happens to be jewish, the guy pictured in the preload on the left, that picture is also confusing cus seriously it looks exactly like cer spence mugging.

Updated theory, is the particular guy is called Ben Shapiro? Some sleuthing in the tags have given me this lead.
No way am I gonna watch any *actual* USian non-joke videos even tangentially related to politics.
I was downvoting anything of that nature, but theres so much on here now it would be a full time job and I gave up. I wish ye yanks would stop posting those, they are so boring and the comments are so boring, they are plaguing the site.. They were funny for about 5 mins in a 'hey wow look at this dumpster-filled-with-aids-diarrhea-fire lol' sort of way, but we dont need daily updates.. Like would ye yanks like to see daily videos from every political player / pundit / commentator from the socio/political scene in Angola on here? It might be funny for one day and then it would be incredibly tiresome, please stop!! use some other site for that shit!!

casualcollapse - 2020-08-22

Agreed and yes of course that has been Shapiro, no shame in not knowing who he is, he's a dumpster fire

SolRo - 2020-08-22

To be fair, being aware of political events in the American empire may be useful so as to know when we will start a proxy war near/inside your country.

Old_Zircon - 2020-08-22

He and his wife (who is a doctor, you know) were just worried that Cardi B has a medical condition.


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