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Comment count is 5
Two Jar Slave - 2020-12-12

Musk immediately jumped on Twitter to declare this an unqualified success. With instincts like that, he'll make president someday!

jfcaron_ca - 2020-12-12

In the sense that in-flight data collection was the primary goal, with a safe landing only a bonus, he's correct that it was a success. "Unqualified" is an overstatement I think.

roscar - 2020-12-13

I think even the "unqualified" statement is fair. The Space X approach of making an attempt without hand wringing about the possibility of failure has gotten them to where they are.

roscar - 2020-12-13

Elon, you may be a complete tool, but that thing floating down sideways was surreal in all the best ways.

casualcollapse - 2020-12-14

I don't know if any of you watched the why this happened video but the fuel tanks weren't configured right and that was the engine eating itself as it burned way too fuel rich mixture.

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