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Comment count is 4
Meerkat - 2021-02-04

So my cousin I'll call him Rick. Moved out of town, haven't seen for years and years. Comes back to visit for some reason and he's telling me about all these tinder dates he's going on and all these women he's boinking.

Anyway this dude is my age and his hair and beard are both jet black. (I am very old and my hair is mostly grey if that isn't obvious from the context here)

I mean they should be at least able to see the wrinkles but dark rooms in bars I guess.

Gets way more tail than me that's for sure. Maybe I should try tinder.


casualcollapse - 2021-02-04

I got laid from it..

Two Jar Slave - 2021-02-05

I think it's funny you went to the trouble of giving him the name Rick and then never used it.

Meerkat - 2021-02-05

That is pretty funny, Rick.

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