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Comment count is 9
Rafiki - 2021-03-26

Except for Nadine. Her failure will always be incomprehensible.

yogarfield - 2021-03-27

Oh my GOD thanks for the rec, that was amazing.

Also I don't remember the host being so visibly coked up.

Simillion - 2021-03-26

I never loved this show as a kid but I watched at least half of all the episodes because of its primo timeslot after school. The occasional previews of actual video games was always the highlight back then

Chicken the Did - 2021-03-27

Did anybody ever win this thing? I remember watching this as a kid and pretty much all contestants I saw took a massive shit.

Rosebeekee - 2021-03-27

Sometime I feel like I missed out as a Canadian kid who didn’t get Nickelodeon growing up. They had some weird shows.

themilkshark - 2021-03-31

A lot of American kids didn't have cable, Nick was good in the 90's for the alternative animation wave but the game shows were filler toy commercials.

Nominal - 2021-03-28

Mandalan is something that would be impressive as a kiosk attraction at a park or convention or even at an arcade where you get a couple plays before the novelty wears off, but as the basis for a TV show to watch it was lame as hell.

Cena_mark - 2021-03-29

I would have beaten it

themilkshark - 2021-03-31

Same. WTF why did these kids suck so hard?

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