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Comment count is 2
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-07-26

I actually owned this, and I have never forgotten the verse about the "gentle lame physician'. The other side was a little radio play about Thor versus the Ultra Violet Man. I don't remember much about it, except that The

I also owned a copy of Detective Comics from 1966, featuring the debut of Batgirl. A copy of that same issue in good condition sold this year for 500 thousand dollars. A long time ago I bought it in mint condition for 12 cents. You might think that I feel a tiny bit of remorse for not holding onto it all these years, but I don't. That was never going to happen. Instead, I get a little thrill from the knowledge that I once held it in my hands.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-07-26

*I don't remember much about it, except that the Ultra Violet man had a weapon he called an "ultra violet molecular disintgrater", it sounded like an electric chair (not that I would know what that sounds like) , and it made Thor scream in a way that manly, but convincing.

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