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Comment count is 8
duck&cover - 2021-08-15

I'm very sad, in the jungle.

The Mothership - 2021-08-15

I was hoping for something like the sublime mashup of Smells Like Teen Spirit vs. You Spin Me Right Round Baby, so a bit disappointed.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-08-16

Hmm. Doesnt seem to be a joke. Its as if this guy genuinely like guns n roses + morrisey. One star!

Crackersmack - 2021-08-16

I was gonna deduct a star for playing a Johnny Marr riff with something other than a Jaguar, but apparently he did use a Strat in the 80s on tour.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-08-17

*Of course* you would be genuinely into this.

Crackersmack - 2021-08-17

what I am genuinely into is Johnny Marr's guitar sound. but this wasn't bad, this guy's channel seems fun

Meerkat - 2021-08-17

I cried.

Did I mention I cried?

teethsalad - 2021-08-18


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