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Comment count is 13
SolRo - 2021-10-04

You should maybe try a real girlfriend instead of this parasocial thing.

Hazelnut - 2021-10-05

SolRo's transformation into Crackersmack is complete.

Cena_mark - 2021-10-05

Hands off, Cashew. She's my youtube waifu.

Hazelnut - 2021-10-05

Don't make me post my 500 page Natalie Wynn / Lindsay Ellis / Rich Evans polyship fanfic

"Oh my Goooood!" moaned Rich.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-10-05

Based on my experience, having a girlfriend would probably be an inefficient way to get movie reviews.

SolRo - 2021-10-05

The point is he wants to have her as his girlfriend so he’ll also get the movie reviews

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-10-06

I like the parasocial relationship.

Lindsay Ellis is actually quite attractive. I've always enjoyed her commentaries, but now that I have a big, clear flat screen TV, I am often transfixed by her complexion, which is as white and flawless as porcelain. I suppose it could be makeup, or lighting. I wouldn't know, but I enjoy looking t her.

But should she have to look at ME? I just don't see how that's in anyone's best interest.

This whole line of discourse is inherently sexist. It's like the old MRA song and dance about how the only reason a man would embrace feminism is to get sex.

Did you know that there's PORNOGRAPHY on the internet now? Women are naked and having sex on camera. Some of them are 18, which is half the age of Lindsay Ellis. I mean, her complexion is lovely, but is anyone supposed to be masturbating to her review of The Lion King?

I don't know why this shit keeps coming up, but I hope to Christ it's not because anyone thinks it's funny. It's predictable as gravity, and older than dirt.

SolRo - 2021-10-06

Honestly I’m not certain hazel is young enough to achieve erection without pharmacological assistance.

Hence the old, white, Zionist outrage.

Hazelnut - 2021-10-06

Boring racist troll is boring

Mister Yuck - 2021-10-06

Holy fuck this thread is nuts. I think part of the reason people bring up this shit is because Hazel said something about "sex growls" and you brought up porcelain complexions. That's a fucking weird thing to say about a video essay lady outta nowhere!

Hazelnut - 2021-10-07

Why? A person can be cute and smart at the same time. That’s allowed. Contrapoints makes smart insightful videos in which she also dresses provocatively and says things like ‘step on my throat, Mommy’. Lindsey makes a fun video on Starscream in which she also does a growl / purr because she has a thing for the character.

To quote Lindsay: ‘That’s okay. Really. This is okay. It’s fine. This is fine.’

fedex - 2021-10-05

you should have posted her Cats review, that one was pretty good.

Hazelnut - 2021-10-05

Already been posted

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