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Comment count is 7
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-10-18

This is all good, but does it seem a but dated for a show that debuted in 2018?

The Dibertesque goings-on portayed are aspects of a job that in 2021 most Americans would kill for.
As opposed to more contemporary American work issues, like the gig economy and not having access to water or a bathroom in your job.

Maybe a lot of this material was written in 2000's and it took a while for show to get made?

themilkshark - 2021-10-18

I'm not even going to watch the clip, it just seems so played out even in that still frame.

Nominal - 2021-10-18

This show was dated after Office Space in 1999.

Question: Why do the same 5 people keep submitting and pushing through every clip so aggressively milquetoast that it could have come from College Humor?

SolRo - 2021-10-18

How is a show about being a flea inside your omnipresent corporate overlord not relevant to a lot of people on some level, even if you’re a gig worker for said corporate overlord?

Also my understanding is that a lot of low level corporate jobs pay shit and are often contract temp jobs.

Mister Yuck - 2021-10-19

Did you all watch it? It's pretty good. And there are still plenty of people working shitty office jobs, even in the grim dark future of 2021.

casualcollapse - 2021-10-20

Yes Mr Yuck.. The show is also quite funny with unexpected dark humor

casualcollapse - 2021-10-20

S1 E10 Remember day is a corporate holiday for 9/11 started by the CEO 🤣🤣🤣

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