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Comment count is 6
Gmork - 2021-11-16

Money don't make good people no siree

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-11-16

Wow didnt know they had scientologists in China.

violenza - 2021-11-17

interesting video but this channel as a whole is definitely some CIA front megaphone

crojo - 2021-11-17

I get that face / appearance is everything, but surely one of the richest men in China could afford an actual white bodyguard with zero scruples, rather than a fucking kindergarten teacher.

teethsalad - 2021-11-17

if i remember correctly you just needed to be white for the "face" it was give the client mostly

i got a email once from some chinese headhunter in the late 00's looking for beefy intimidating whites with grappling experience that seemed super sketchy

Crackersmack - 2021-11-17

I used to watch this guy's channel back when he was just riding a shitty motorcycle around rural parts of China, but had to unsub because his videos became weirdly right-wing which I should have expected from a white South African.

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