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Comment count is 9
Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-16

Time to resurrect the old "hobbies of the damned" tag.

Crackersmack - 2021-12-16

got all the way through college without ever learning anything specifically about excel only to find out that I'm supposed to be proficient at it somehow when it's the least intuitive software I've ever used in my life

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-16

Somehow, I have no trouble believing in your helpless ignorance regarding a well-documented spreadsheet program.

Gmork - 2021-12-16


garcet71283 - 2021-12-16

Taught myself excel while working an office job.

The help function is actually really robust.

Nominal - 2021-12-18

Spreadsheets, ballot sheets

Just an incompetent failure with all of them.

Meerkat - 2021-12-16

Man I use Excel to do all sorts of crazy shit. I used to work as a consultant for a software development firm and the customers used to love me because they'd call to get a quote on a custom piece of software and I'd show them how they could just do it with Excel.

Happily, my boss never got all up in my face for "losing" a software development job because we usually got called back for like 10 other jobs after that. I guess the customers trusted us to not rip them off.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-17

I'm a stupid idiot English major who got a job in communications for a mid-sized NGO and, because I was somehow the most computer-literate person on my team, was eventually tasked with taking user comments from our learning management website and turning them into handy visuals for our higher-ups to thumb through once every couple weeks. I had no idea what I was doing, but darned if I didn't figure out how to connect an Excel workbook to our LMS using its proprietary API and scrape all user data for the month into a single string of awful-looking bullshit, then slice and dice that string across a half-dozen worksheets into some lovely visual summaries. I was blown away that I could all this in what I had thought was a piece of accounting software, so I'm not surprised that someone like you, who actually knows what he's doing and can probably write VBA like it ain't no thang, could make it do all sorts of other things too.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-12-17

During grad school I once took an undergrad Environmental Science course for fun: "The Meteorology of Storms", meant for non-ENSC majors. Because it was one of those fluff courses it didn't require calculus. But even basic meteorological modelling requires (simple) differential equations.

One of our assignments involved a recipe for making an excel spreadsheet where you would drag the little corner arrow down maybe 10-20 lines. The cells implemented a simple numerical solver for the differential equation. The silly thing is the equation had a completely analytic solution (just an exponential or a sine wave or something), it didn't need a numerical solution at all.

Anyways, all that work and going through excel just because we couldn't be arsed to expect 3rd-year university students to know basic calculus. That's my excel story.

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