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Comment count is 5
Albuquerque Halsey - 2021-12-30

not watching all that, yadda yadda,happy for you, sorry that happened

Meerkat - 2021-12-30

Technically The Internet ruined her childhood. The Internet ruins many, many things.

Kids should have their own special Internet that is curated, so they can read Peppa Pig stories and not have to deal with cyberstalkers or any of the other garbage on The Internet Internet. Parents should have to opt in to get content for their kids. So they can all become Scientologists. Like me.

Meerkat - 2021-12-30

I guess technically the parents opt into all this when they let their kid use The Internet in the first place BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

ashtar. - 2021-12-30

Ted Kaczynski predicted this.

Or he didn't. I'm not reading whole ass manifesto.

Lef - 2021-12-30

"I'm a very interesting person"

5 stars, take them, well deserved. Stopped here.

Is she the new woke Lindsay Ellis?

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