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Comment count is 10
casualcollapse - 2022-06-10


Jeriko-1 - 2022-06-10

Reading the comments was a mistake. A surreal mistake. Suddenly a bunch of chuds are like 'WTF, I LOVE BIDEN NOW'

Lef - 2022-06-10

my fave: Biden be like: “she’s too old for me”

badideasinaction - 2022-06-12

Nah, they're like "I hate Biden's policies, but I can get behind police brutality and violence against women"

Crackersmack - 2022-06-10

sloppy fat loser cop's gun falls right out of his belt

yogarfield - 2022-06-10

Sloppy fat SS vs. reeeee style leftist that makes the rest of us leftists look bad.

The Beast is likely the safest place on the planet wherever it goes. Oh, she's trying to get some publicity about something? Yeah, this will be absolutely smothered. Raise your hand if you remember the failed attack on Trump's motorcade.

Crackersmack - 2022-06-10

eh I think people should obstruct all of this shit if they can, what sucks here is that she was the only person out there, it should be almost impossible for any of these fucks to go anywhere without being pelted with trash and slowed to a crawl

yogarfield - 2022-06-12

Um, you’re underestimating how gnat-like any protest like that is.

There’s a TFR surrounding the Beast at all times, Marine One is usually shadowing it in this air space, and there’s probably a UAV squad as well.

Then there’s the motorcade, sweepers, a coms-jamming car, more security all with pop up turrets, then the Beast coming in at 10 tons and loaded with all kinds of black ops, then the halfback, then more security trucks, then the ID car that’s scanning pretty much everybody on the streets for miles, then the Hazard Materials car that’s all sensored up, so on and so forth, and then the rear guard.

The reason she got tackled and poorly restrained by some fat SS guy is because he’s basically a janitor. She did do a hell of a job.. yelling at the Hazmat truck and the white car, which is the press car. If she got anywhere close to the belly of the Beast, she would have been smoked. A massive crowd would just be more gnats to this motorcade.

Nominal - 2022-06-12

SMOKE you!

Crackersmack - 2022-06-15

also she was pretty hot imho

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