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Comment count is 12
Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-29

America is a zombie country.

That this fucker is still walking around free after all this is proof our soul is truly gone and we are a shambling pile of rot that just refuses to lay down and die.

casualcollapse - 2022-08-30

I thought the hatred he fomented would have backfired his head clean off by now

SolRo - 2022-08-30

A lot of the third world has seen America as a zombie for a long while now.

Ie something that will swarm over you and eat you alive if you make too much noise and draw it’s attentions

Quad9Damage - 2022-08-30

He's not immortal, though. One day his age and/or his bad health choices will catch up with him, same as all of us. But waiting on that is the only solution. If anything else happens to him before then, even prison, idiots will see it as the next chapter in the grand conspiracy narrative.

Crackersmack - 2022-08-30

in 2000 the election was stolen by the SCOTUS and the man they appointed president started two wars based on lies that have resulted in the deaths of over a million people

Gmork - 2022-08-30

I'm guessing whattaboutism this time.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-08-30

I wonder if Biden could grant Trump a conditional pardon, provided that he doesn't run. Trump probably intends to run to stay out of prison. The government needs to prosecute him to keep him from turning America into a fascist cleptocracy. We don't need the empty space previously occupied by Lindsey Graham to tell us that there will be bloodshed.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-30

@ Quad9Damage

It doesn't matter if he drops dead of a heart attack tomorrow.

Actually, it kind of would because then the whole thing would just be dropped.

That he is openly doing these things and facing no repercussions is a symptom, not the disease.

And the reason he's not being punished is because every asshole in Washington fears the hammer will come down on them, next. It's like how executives at companies cover up each others' abuse and malfeasance because they know if one goes down, they all go down.

That's the problem, not Trump's continued existence.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-30


Yes, it's whataboutism.

Biden has also done a lot of shady shit and knows he'll go down next if anything happens to Trump.

But he's also a fucking idiot if he doesn't see the Republicans are likely to take back power in 2024 and they'll nail his ass anyway.

If he had any guts and brains, he would be dragging as many down with him as he can right now.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-08-30

>>>Biden has also done a lot of shady shit and knows he'll go down next if anything happens to Trump.


Don't talk to me about "shady shit". We are LIGHT YEARS beyond "shady shit".

Right now, Trump is the problem. Trump is the disease. He is the actual tumor. Murdoch, Limbaugh; campaign finance, for-profit media, white evangelicals. ineffectual Democrats... in this threadbare analogy; these things are the equivalent of four packs a day, unfiltered.

After all, Trump is not all that shady. He tried to overthrow the government on live TV. His lies are transparent.

People underestimate the source of Trumps mojo, which is 14 years on TV playing an infallible business genius, which he is not. The image dovetails nicely with one of the foundational myths of conservativism, that government should be run like a business. He was the perfect storm.

Crackersmack is essentially correct about GW Bush, but no matter how much of a moral atrocity the gulf war was, Bush pursued it by something that looked like constitutional means. i dont want to excuse it, but from the point of view of Democracy, we're way past that now.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-08-31

>>>>But he's also a fucking idiot if he doesn't see the Republicans are likely to take back power in 2024 and they'll nail his ass anyway.

Not really. Biden is unpopular, but according to polling, he still beats Trump. Trump is wildly popular among Republicans, but wildly unpopular with everyone else. Fifty nine per cent of voters want the investigations of Trump to continue. I think Trump is going to run in 2024 because he wants to stay out of Jail, and I think he's going to face charges because he can't be permitted to run.

And also, because he's a criminal. The January 6 hearings don't have the authority of a criminal trial, nor should they, but it's no longer a matter of opinion.

Also, I THINK that if you look at the polling for every two term president since Reagan, with the exception of GW Bush, they all had their lowest ratings just before the first midterms. That's Reagan, Clinton, and Obama. That's how I remember, anyway. You can look it up if you want to.

Gmork - 2022-08-30

Bravely rated and reviewed, Marlon

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