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Comment count is 3
yogarfield - 2022-10-04

Tasting notes:

I knew some SHARPs growing up. Good people. Especially in the south, they made sure that others didn't associate them with boneheads.

I have punched an actual Nazi skin (bouncer points).

I love the pinhead's rant at the beginning. It's the classic "the invader is inferior to us" yet somehow they feel powerless. Here's to these pathetic pigs fucking off to predictably pathetic lives.

OxygenThief - 2022-10-07

Played a grindcore show and kicked a guy in the face who kept doing the Nazi salute during out set.

He looked just like these turds. Some tastes never change.

Nominal - 2022-10-09

When I was bouncing, I caught 2 nazis making a nazi baby in the closet and the baby looked at me.

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