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Comment count is 4
duck&cover - 2023-03-20

The deceptive world of ghost dongs.

Nominal - 2023-03-20

$ 17 for a battered fish sandwich? Jesus christ. You could get a sandwich from a real place - PLUS sides - for less than that.

The double dose of dystopia is that they're not even beating out sustainable businesses on cost, but on simply edging competition out of virtual online store space.

SolRo - 2023-03-20

I didn’t know about those scummy bad old restaurant chains making “new” restaurants to trick people into ordering their garbage food.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-03-21

I’ve delivered DoorDash. MrBeast burgers are out of Red Robin. The first weekend of availability was big as every teenager wanted four, and then NEVER AGAIN.

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