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Comment count is 7
Gmork - 2023-04-04

So we all have the same recommendeds. Cool.

ashtar. - 2023-04-04

I recall kind of liking Gettysburg (when my dad got us all to watch it), but I think I walked out the theater when I tried to watch this one. Just excruciating.

Nominal - 2023-04-05

It made sense when republican Crackersmack and some PragerU cheerleader shat their pants when I (correctly) called Ken Burns a Confederate apologist, but now I realize why the great douche Hazelnut popped his monocle:

the Confederate leaders were wealthy aristocrats

And there isn't a blue blooded blue veiner that douche wouldn't suck. Anything disparaging the Confederacy is clearly BNP propaganda. Why, some slaveholders gave the CHARITY of freedom! How many of YOUR slaves have you donated to charity?

P.S. Fuck Ken Burns

P.P.S. This wasn't even the worst of Ronald Maxwell. 10 years after Gods & Generals, he made Copperhead, which was basically Birth of a Nation, but switching the rampaging blacks with rampaging anti-slavery whites.

glasseye - 2023-04-05

Atun-Shei films is pretty much an auto-five. Great stuff. Especially the collabs with Karl from InRangeTV.

Adjuvant - 2023-04-06

Haven't seen this movie and after watching this vid won't be changing that.

Gods and Monsters, on the other hand, was a pretty good movie.

radiosquido - 2023-04-06

My freshman year college roommate loved this movie. He joined ROTC, voted for Bush, and then died in Iraq. Was always nice to me though. I wonder what he would have done with his life if Republicans hadn't killed him.

gravelstudios - 2023-04-06

This was filmed while I was in college, on location near where I was going to college. At least one friend of mine was an extra, though I don't think he actually ended up getting any screen-time. I've never watched it.

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