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Comment count is 5
Lef - 2023-04-12

Is this the new autistic pixie dream girl?

I've seen a surge of you tube channels featuring women talking about their autism. They all seem to be chasing the manic pixie girl theme.

ashtar. - 2023-04-13

According to zoomers on tic tok, all human behavior is either due to autism or adhd.

yogarfield - 2023-04-13

As somebody who actually has ADHD, I can say that the past few decades of people hearing people say "I had an ADD moment" really grinds my gears. That's as stupid as saying "I had a moment of morbid obesity" or "had an HIV night and a 15-minute herpe".

It's fucking annoying that it's the trendy disease, because I would give anything to make it stop. I would gladly give it to anybody who wants it.

If I'm not constantly doing something, my brain is like somebody fell asleep on both the volume and channel-up buttons on my brain's remote, and is speed-scrolling me through late night tv.

A real ADHD moment? Middle school was me repeatedly getting my ass kicked by rednecks for being a weirdo, constantly getting kicked out of class for acting out, having to go to a shrink who recommended me for a test program.

The following is a humble brag, but I don't give a fuck. I took the ACT when I was a child, and I scored so high that I qualified for one of those weird "send children to college" programs.

I could have gotten a free ride at Duke when I was 13. What did I do? Not care and continued to skip class.

Because fuck that. I have a broken brain, and it's not so hip to be stuck inside of it.

Honestly I only write this here because only 5 people will read it. Otherwise you have to keep it real close and pretend to be normal. What in the fuck am I ranting on about? Not gonna read, just clicking post.

Lef - 2023-04-14

I always thought I was rude and and had a razor thin tolarance for bullshit. Maybe I'm just an aspie.

Pretending to be normal, masking, scripts, patterns, more video topics. More anthropology.

Fuck that jazz, I just want to live true to my emotions, be rude and have razor thin tolerance for bullshit.

Bootymarch - 2023-04-14

TikTok sucks my balls. Every joke has the exact same cadence.

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