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Comment count is 5
Nominal - 2023-09-12

I almost stopped after 5 seconds, then pulled the 40 seconds after.

I can't decide what I hate more about these people: the unbridled narcissism or the real world damage they do.

themilkshark - 2023-09-12

remove the hopper

exy - 2023-09-12

so edgy, dude. let's have sex.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-09-12

Do you have a legitimate reason or do you just want attention?

Jeriko-1 - 2023-09-12

"Basic physics fucked a lot of shit up 22 years ago because somebody in the construction trade broke bad and knew intimately about large structures and what they couldn't handle."


I can't... What the right believes has ascended to levels of absurdity that even Scientology lore seems tame.

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