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Comment count is 7
duck&cover - 2024-01-04

Pop-Tart Jesus, eat of him and live eternally.

Lef - 2024-01-04

Eat him and get the diabets, die early and leave a a fat and deliciously plump corpse.

Gmork - 2024-01-04

He said "RIP in peace" and I don't think it was for comedic effect.

Anaxagoras - 2024-01-10

It's Kansas. We're not dealing with America's best or brightest.

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-01-05

Immaculate confection

ashtar. - 2024-01-05


Nominal - 2024-01-08

"Willie Wildcat is the official mascot for the Kansas State Wildcats. He is typically depicted as having a human body with a giant wildcat head. Because of not being depicted in a full body suit, he normally appears on internet “worst college mascot” lists"

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