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Comment count is 11
glasseye - 2007-08-13



glasseye - 2007-08-13

*insert more incoherent yelling*

hornung - 2007-08-13

kim and joey were the talent in that band.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-08-13

other than the fact that frank wrote all the songs of course

hornung - 2007-08-13

pixies lyrics suck.
except for gigantic.

i am a huge pixies fan, but seriously, it's the guitar and bass that drive everything.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-08-13

songs = music. i.e. frank wrote the guitar and bass parts. jesus god, how do some of you people walk upright

baleen - 2007-08-13

how can you say that black francis was not as important as everyone else in the pixies? you old nut.

hornung - 2007-08-13

it's pointless to argue with you since you're all fags, but try to type with a straight face that joey santiago didn't add the surf guitar to the pixies.

best pixies song was vamos. that song is all fucking joey. (and kim)

frank black is a goddamn fat sweaty fuck.

StanleyPain - 2007-08-13

I won't rate this since I'm not a Frank Black fan and definitely never a Pixies fan, but I will say this:
It's kind of fucking stupid in my opinion to do a live-instrument cover of a song made almost entirely of samples. And do it this badly.

KnowFuture - 2007-08-14

Even liked a lot of your post-Pixies stuff, but sorry Frank, can't ride the Funk Soul Brother train with ya.

x - 2007-12-28

Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.

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