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Comment count is 5
Hooper_X - 2007-08-30

I don't know what's worse here; The Man Who Has No Name's offense, the way these guys are selling for Dizzy Hogan, or the fact that people are popping like this for goddamn Ed Leslie.

mon666ster - 2007-08-30

This is far more pathetic than Valentine's video. The Hammer went out and said "I know this is sad", whereas Beefcake went out and played a 20 year old gimmick like it was still relevant. Poor guy.

mr666 - 2007-08-30

I can't say this surprises me. Hulk Hogan got Beefcake pretty much every single job he ever had, so now that Hogan is retired, he has no way to get work in the ring.

Hooker - 2007-08-30

I will forever love Leslie for Wrestlemania 9 when he dressed up like a giant chicken and had DiBiasi and IRS wail on him for like half a Goddamn hour.

Maxville - 2007-08-31

Other than Hogan-gut, he's in pretty good shape.

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