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Comment count is 26
Smellvin - 2008-03-05

Cat = 5

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-05


Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-05

There is a cat in this video.

Mr. Bad Example - 2008-03-05

It's like an extremely cute Cloverfield scene.

Lothy - 2008-03-05


Spastic Avenger - 2008-03-05

That cat has absolutely amazing eyes.

Scynne - 2008-03-05

Really? The literally frightened me a bit.

Also: Why is this entertaining?

Smellvin - 2008-03-05


Spastic Avenger - 2008-03-06

'the literally frightened me a bit.'

There was no literally.

It has amazing eyes.

athodyd - 2008-03-05

Fuchagi victorious.

nuzzles - 2008-03-05

Fuchagi is such a lovely kitty. His eyes are enormous.

Apparently, according to his owner, he left the house and "went on an adventure", and he has not returned.

There is a book out about Fuchagi and his adopted sister, Elizabeth (I think her video is on this website too)- you can get it on Amazon Japan.

Stog - 2008-03-05

Don't forget about the new Chiro book (the big black cat) coming out. Oh, yeah, and Sharaku. And Luna. And their new obsession with TV.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-03-05

Cute Kitty got stolen!

Call the Police!

longwinded - 2008-03-05

his eyes are made of blood

Bone_Vulture - 2008-03-05

My thoughts exactly.

TinManic - 2008-03-05

it's a cute cat but it didn't really do anything.

Stog - 2008-03-05

Yeah, I bet this lazy fucker likes Mondays and lasagna too.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-06


AgentOrange - 2008-03-05

Lame, as usual.

glasseye - 2008-03-05

Awesome, as usual.

halon - 2008-03-05

insufficiently awesome. +1 star for the soul-devouring cat eyes

Jeff Fries - 2008-03-06

Huckabee '08

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-03-06


longwinded - 2008-03-25

goddamn this made me laugh

Chalkdust - 2008-04-08

it looks like my cousin!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-07-29

And it reacts to cameras like my crazy drunken uncle!

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