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Comment count is 6
baleen - 2008-03-20

Technically it's a music video I guess. Whatever. It was a mistake. And his name is Joe Raper. And he's passionate.

poopskin - 2008-03-20

amazing; he plays the guitar by clenching his fists

TeenerTot - 2008-03-20

It's like he learned how to be a singer by watching CMT with the sound off. He's got the facial expressions and body movements down, but neglected to sound good at all.

TeenerTot - 2008-03-20

Dennis Farina! No!

Randroid - 2008-03-20

Incidentally, my speakers don't work at the moment. But I instantly saw Joe Raper for the singer, entertainer, lover and master of the arts that he is by observing the finely tuned choreography.

baleen - 2008-03-20

He needs to work on his eyes, which suspiciously look to the side as if he's doing something wrong, like raping.

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