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Comment count is 7
baleen - 2008-03-29

Kind of weird, because the first "emo" bands were part of the very nasty straight edge scene and those people actually beat the shit out of racist skins and anybody who happened to have a cigarette in their hand.
Although I can't really tell who's beating the shit out of who here. I think this is just basic nastiness and probably class\race and\or homophobia related.

zatojones - 2008-03-29

The first emo bands I became of aware of seemed to be born out of the shoegazing scene of the early 90s. I'm not sure how the "dressing like a tranny" and "being a whiny shit" aspects eventually became part of the music.

Jeff Fries - 2008-03-29

The real story here is that Mexico might be the first place to make emo respectable.

baleen - 2008-03-30

Well, it started as just punk music with an emphasis less on getting wasted and laid and more on exploring more introspective and emotional subject matter and left-leaning political opinions. I remember in high school (early 90s) emo was like, Fugazi. At least that word was being swung around to describe punk kids who wore cardigans and didn't drink. It became a joke among music critics, like all subcultural genres, and then it became another way to sell shit and clothe teenagers, as all things inevitably do. and then people forgot about what exactly it was in the first place.

theSnake - 2008-04-03

You seem to be suspiciously well informed about these Emos. HES AN EMO GET HIM

takewithfood - 2008-03-29

Great, now he actually has a reason to be emo.

Jeriko-1 - 2008-03-29

This is why I laughed and laughed at that picture of Gordon Freeman shedding a tear after the HL2 source was hacked.

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