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Comment count is 9
Smellvin - 2008-07-28

There's no way I'm watching this after having played that game about fifty seven times, but I'm 5'ing the concept as well as the fact that he actually went through with recording it AND uploaded it to YouTube.

Cube - 2008-07-28

I still count this as one of the good ol' Monkey Island games. They don't make games like this anymore, even though they SHOULD.

Also played through approximately fifty seven times. As well as other classic Lucasfilm- and Lucasarts games. Except Full Throttle, it wasn't fun.

fluffy - 2008-07-28

I liked Full Throttle.

GiantAtomicFreak - 2008-07-28

Haven't watched this and don't need to, but five for "But beware....for King André is as ruthless as he is bald" which I know is in there somewhere and is one of videogames' all time great jokes.

Smellvin - 2008-07-28

If you never played this game, I'd recommend skipping to what'll probably be about one and a half to two hours in and watching the Insult Swordfighting.

glasseye - 2008-07-28

One of the best games ever.

Moustache McGillicuddy - 2008-07-28

This game brings back, warm, happy memories. Thank you, everyone who worked on this awesome game.

Eroticus E - 2008-07-28

This (along with The Longest Journey) is probably the last REALLY good point and click adventure game ever made. SAD FACE :( :(

Rafiki - 2008-07-28

This game had fantastic production values for 1997. And it was great.

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