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Comment count is 5
simon666 - 2008-10-02

"In this country and where I come from, we are all responsible for the decisions we make, and we're held accountable. We cannot expect somebody else to be held accountable for the mistakes we make..."

Unless you're wealthy, member of government, or well connected to either. Then you can expect someone, or no one, to be held accoutable.

OgreMkIV - 2008-10-02

I consider myself a left-leaning centrist. I used to get pissed off at all the serious right-wing h-core Republicans, with the spouting, and the hate, and the hey-hey-hey.

This past week, I've had nothing but love for these guys. They at least have got a clear sense this BS is wrong. I hope they win.

baleen - 2008-10-02

No, they do want the bailout. They are playing politics. They want the bailout on their terms. Make no mistake, they are lining any bill with disgusting rotting pork that would make you sick.

lordpotato - 2008-10-02

You know, I feel the same way, I'm surprised to be relieved that they're out there to stop this madness.

dr_rock - 2008-10-02

Wake up. They are talking all this shit while the bill has oversight, accountability, etc. If the bill was presented with everything Paulson asked for, this thing would have 100% vote from the GOP. Likewise, the exact same thing would go for the Dems. Reality is that none of these fuckers give the tiniest shit about you or me. ZERO SHIT.

Ok, but this guy does rule. His baseball/steroids comment won me over. Too bad we're all still out a trillion bucks.

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