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Comment count is 12
RockBolt - 2008-10-27

Hopper poach, I'm guessing


the_clencher - 2008-10-27

Yar, mine was in the hopper before the pretenders.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-27


glasseye - 2008-10-27


Torture the Artist - 2008-10-27

So were you being sarcastic on that other video when you said you were one of those bearded SCA losers with important opinions about rapier-fighting? Or were you being serious?

Because being fat and bonking a dude with a sword is a sport too, nerd-o.

AgentOrange - 2008-10-27

But just barely.

glasseye - 2008-10-27

Eh, I'd put it somewhere between a sport and a martial art. There's a lot of debate about this in SCA circles, and I think where it lies depends on the situation. A high end Pas-de-armes with historic rules using a counted blows system? More martial art. Random fighter practice in the upper midwest? Sport. In my mind, the level of importance one places on recreating historical combat instead of whacking people with a stick makes all the difference.

I'm in the SCA, but I'm neither fat nor bearded. I'm an electrical engineer, which makes me a nerd, but I'm a far cry from a "loser."

And hey, at least I play my sport/martial art, instead of sitting on a couch swilling shitty american beer and watching others do it on the idiot box.

Torture the Artist - 2008-10-28

When you gave this one star because of "Sports" were you complaining about it being the sort of sport anybody other than you might be interested in? Not enough fake chainmail and cardboard shields and hunched autistics in jerkins arguing about the completely arbitrary line between sport and martial art?

Or do you just not like sports that require athleticism?

glasseye - 2008-10-28

Fake "chainmail," cardboard shields? Oh come on. We're not larpers. If you believe what we do doesn't require athleticism to excel at, you're a total loony. Sure, there are butterballs out there who put on armour and play, but they sure as hell wont be winning very many tourneys.

I dislike sports where the players and coaches are paid orders of magnitude more than people who use their brains for a living. The UW football coach is the highest paid state employee in Washington, and I think it's a total farce.

I dislike sports that encourage legions of mindless fucktards to waste days swilling shitty beer while camped out on a buddy's sofa watching the latest match up as if it mattered.

I dislike sports with paid commentators and instant rewinds.

I dislike sports that demand and receive public funding for grotesque arenas in prime downtown locations.

Torture the Artist - 2008-12-08

I'd totally forgotten about this SCUFFLE until I noticed you went back and 1 starred a bunch of my videos in the ultimate act of internet retribution. Hilarious.

You dislike sports for really stupid reasons, but I'm sure you already knew that.

baleen - 2008-10-27

Man. I was sort of hoping that Christopher Cox was going to be tackled or something. Big letdown.

Urburos - 2008-10-27


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