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Comment count is 5
kamlem - 2009-01-09

Off camera his answer would actually be Ann Coulter's mother, when pregnant, so he could trip down a long staircase....

El Zapatista - 2009-01-10

Everyone jokes about the Adam's apple and the big hands, but damn if her voice isn't deep and masculine. I'm a little jealous, actually...

futurebot - 2009-01-10

Man, put Ann Coulter with a politican or a journalist and she yaps her head off, but confront her with a professional comedian and she's left speechless.

phalsebob - 2009-07-02

Since the trolls are quiet...

WWII made America the power it is today. Oh Al, why do you hate America?

Pie Boy - 2009-08-18

this man is in a position of governmental power now

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