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Comment count is 8
Dr. Lobotomy - 2006-07-20

You can't shoot again until the first shot left the screen, idiots.

dr_rock - 2006-07-20

What do you expect... they speak French!

Caminante - 2006-07-20

The guys who played the barriers just had to sit there while everyone else had to move around.

SharoKham - 2006-07-20

I was hoping it'd be the blindfolded water balloon version from Wild and Crazy Kids

jim - 2006-07-20

wow. how did they make it so boring?

bopeton - 2006-07-20

It would have been better in real-time, with people standing and ducking, like "The Wave" in sports.

yoyo1 - 2006-07-20

It's from switzerland, hence the boringness. N.koreans would have done a kickass real time version

Stog - 2006-07-20

Cory Doctorow must have thought this was funny

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