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Comment count is 24
Knuckles - 2009-01-22

Looking at the related videos, this is not an isolated incident for him.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-01-22

Is he sticking it to the FCC, or is senility setting in?

Udderdude - 2009-01-22

Little of column A, little of column B.

StanleyPain - 2009-01-22

Look, it's just an accident he keeps doing this! He's a professional who has spent years upon years of his life focused on a game in which a bunch of large men run around with each other, try to grab each other and dogpile one another, then congratulate each other with fond butt-pats and hugs, eventually celebrating by pouring fluids onto their mentor and father figure, the coach.

kiint - 2009-01-22

i thought for a moment you wrote "congratulate each other with fond butt-plugs"

oddeye - 2009-01-22

There is NOTHING not gay about football.

spikestoyiu - 2009-01-22

Yes. Every sport that you're not talented enough to play is gay. And it's an observation that has not been made by countless nerds before you, so congratulations on your trend setting comedy act.

oddeye - 2009-01-22

You are an idiot. I am a card carrying homosexual and I played for the Steelers so stick that in your cock, you dumb bastard.

I repeat, there is nothing that isn't gay about football and thats why I love it.

Meerkat - 2009-01-22


jangbones - 2009-01-22

oddeye is Kordell Stewart?

voodoo_pork - 2009-01-22

Football is still gay.

chumbucket - 2009-01-22

the super bowl is gay

StanleyPain - 2009-01-22

Uh..did someone ACTUALLY use a grade-school level insult like "WHAAA YOU JUST CAN'T PLAY FOOTBALL" to fucking defend football from my stupid joke on fucking POE? Jesus, get out more.

Oh, and BTW, what NFL team to you play for?

spikestoyiu - 2009-01-22

I'm having trouble following your logic. Why exactly do I have to play for the NFL? Because I don't think it's "gay?"

Desidiosus - 2009-01-22

Blah blah blablablablah words words words



klingerbgoode - 2009-01-22


boba. - 2009-01-22

is this real?

kingarthur - 2009-01-22


Mike Tyson?! - 2009-01-22

Chet, please make me a moderator so I can ban these people.

simon666 - 2009-01-22


kwash - 2010-02-17

that video is so pwned

B_Ko - 2013-01-04

This video has #swag

poopskin - 2009-01-22

hooray for obscenities on television.

libby1217 - 2009-01-26

wow that guy has 3 testicles....that's awesome...

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