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Comment count is 14
baleen - 2009-03-04

Good use of "None."

Dinkin Flicka - 2009-03-04

The video's over. I'm still waiting for the awful part.

Unless you're just talking about the camera work.

themilkshark - 2009-03-04

My girlfriend and I sat through this and laughed out loud every time they focused on some of that chair dancing bullshit. I'm not a fan of the cult musical act, why the fuck does David Byrne want to be Polyphonic Spree?

millerman13 - 2009-03-04

Dear David Byrne,

Please stop making these awful records. Please stop working with Brian Eno. DO go back in time and make more Talking Heads records. DO consume a lot of acid and work with Bernie Worrell some more. But please, stop putting out shitty music.

Dear Brian Eno,
Please stop making these awful records. Please make more Airport Music and Discreet Music. I like falling asleep to them. Thank you.


Tstyle - 2009-03-05

He could have at least gotten some actual fat people to do the office chair dancing.

Blaise - 2009-03-05

Five stars for David Byrne not giving a fuck about what the fans want.

The Townleybomb - 2009-03-05

Reminds you how great Stop Making Sense was.

godot - 2009-03-05

It just makes me feel old. Progeria by proxy.

fluffy - 2009-03-05

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themilkshark - 2009-03-05

What strange truths will POETV uncover next? It's thinking!

Chet - 2009-03-05

I am pretty sure he was making fun of me for sitting in chairs.

Old_Zircon - 2009-03-05

Music From The Knee Plays is the only solo David Byrn I've heard that I liked, but that's becasue I was 13 last time I heard it.

godot - 2009-03-05

No, Knee Plays is actually really good. Helped by the fact most of the music is 'borrowed' from N.O. brass bands and Bulgarian Women's Choirs.

StanleyPain - 2009-03-05

Wow, this is a way better version than the actual song on the album. That album is pretty weak, really, I thought.

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