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Comment count is 6
zatojones - 2009-03-11

so there's at least one black person who thinks a Swedish rap rock act is the best outfit to comment on how black people say "nigger" alot. interesting

kennydra - 2009-03-11

the song in question in case anyone missed it


i'd resubmit it but it's just a picture and audio track...lame...i'll leave it to someone else to do that.

buttnutt - 2009-03-11

that song is awful

zatojones - 2009-03-11

dude did you not read my comment? this is *Swedish Rap Rock in English*. what were you expecting?

simon666 - 2009-03-11

The original sounds like white "dudes" rewriting "The Message" with geetars.

Screwtape - 2009-03-11

"White is reflecting all light and Caucasians don't do that..."

Don't push your beliefs on me, lady.

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