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Comment count is 11
James Woods - 2009-03-16

I'll five star Busey any-day for anything.

Busey- Believe Unimaginable Stories Evolve Yourself.

Millard - 2009-03-16

Did he call that dude "butthorn"?

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2009-03-16

I hope so.

Kumquatxop - 2009-03-16

Oh my. Can we please get a 'butthorn' tag?

(although I'm not sure I want to know what it'd get linked to)

simon666 - 2009-03-16

from urban dictionary:

1. butthorn 16 thumbs up love ithate it

n. (1988)
A pejorative term used mostly in fight scenes. It is likely a variant of butthole. Coined by Gary Busey's character Frank McBain in the Cold War thriller 'Bulletproof'.
"Your worst nightmare, butthorn!"
"Bird season is over, butthorn!"

Bored - 2009-03-16

I could have sworn I saw this episode of "I'm With Busey"

StanleyPain - 2009-03-16

I dare say those men did not understand the warden's contention that it was definitely not bird season, so he had no choice to emphasize his point.

sosage - 2009-03-16

You guys are due on the Commando set...butthorn.

mcsancherson - 2009-03-16

is this even dubbed

Camonk - 2009-03-17

Finally, a Garbage Day for a new generation of PoETV viewers. Now get off my lawn.

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-03-17

What language were they speaking? It sounded like the voices from Worker and Parasite.

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